Friday, September 14, 2012

Upcoming Guest: Mr. Paul Kiel

Saturday, September 15th  |  8:00 - 9:00 am  |  Sirius/XM 128


Paul Kiel's coverage of the foreclosure crisis at ProPublica won a 2011 Scripps Howard Award for business/economics reporting and a Best in Business award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. He’s produced stories for the Washington Post, USA Today, Slate, and American Public Media’s Marketplace, among others.  

Before joining ProPublica in 2008, Kiel wrote for TPMmuckraker, Talking Points Memo's investigative reporting blog. TPM's coverage of the firings of U.S. attorneys and politicization of the Department of Justice won a George Polk Award for legal reporting.

The Great American Foreclosure Story: The Struggle for Justice and a Place to Call Home   
By: Paul Kiel  (Kindle Edition) 

ProPublica’s mesmerizing and groundbreaking look at the national housing crisis, told through the lens of one woman whose story came to exemplify it.
Sheila Ramos’s story mirrors the lives of millions of Americans who have lost their homes since the beginning of the housing crisis in 2007. The Great American Foreclosure Story details with clarity and empathy the road that led Ramos and so many like her toward financial ruin. Once the owner of a small business and a home, Ramos fell on hard times. Predatory lending and denied loan-modification applications eventually sent her and her three grandchildren packing, leaving behind their house in Florida and winding up in a tent outside of Ramos’s faraway hometown.

Alongside Ramos’s story are additional investigations by ProPublica reporter Paul Kiel and his colleagues Olga Pierce and Cora Currier documenting the systematic failures at banks, mortgage servicers, and government watchdogs that have exacerbated the country’s most severe foreclosure crisis since the Great Depression. Drawing from whistleblower testimonies, extensive homeowner databases, and a trove of underlying data, The Great American Foreclosure Story is a comprehensive and unrivaled look at the housing crisis, and its continuing human toll.


Foreclosure Fail: Study Pins Blame on Big Banks

A study by government and academic researchers finds that approximately 800,000 homeowners missed out on mortgage modifications because of big banks’ poor performance.

The Bailout: By The Actual Numbers

While Democrats paint a glowing picture of the bailout, our Bailout Tracker database tells the whole story. A look at the biggest losses and gains stemming from the TARP and Fannie, Freddie bailout.

Big Foreclosure Compensation, But Only for the Right Wrongs

Last month, the government released information on the compensation victims of the banks’ foreclosure practices might receive. For homeowners, it turns out that it’s crucially important just how the bank messed up.

Guiding You Through the Govt’s Foreclosure Compensation Maze

The government promises that harmed homeowners will get compensated —but its programs are confusing. We help navigate them.

Where Are the Foreclosure Deal Millions Going in Your State?

We contacted every state to see how they are spending the money they received from the foreclosure settlement. Here’s the most comprehensive breakdown available anywhere.

Where Are the Foreclosure Deal Millions Going in Your State?

We contacted every state to see how they are spending the money they received from the foreclosure settlement. Here’s the most comprehensive breakdown available anywhere.

Billion Dollar Bait & Switch: States Divert Foreclosure Deal Funds

Under the foreclosure settlement with big banks, states got $2.5 billion to help homeowners. But a comprehensive, state-by-state breakdown shows that almost a billion is going to general use.

Excerpt: At Goldman Sachs Servicer, ‘Total Disaster’

An employee at a mortgage servicer that was owned by Goldman describes the internal chaos that harmed thousands of homeowners and undermined the government’s flagship foreclosure prevention program.

The Great American Foreclosure Story: The Struggle for Justice and a Place to Call Home

The story of how one woman went from a three-bedroom home to a tent is the story of how America ended up in a foreclosure crisis that still drags down the economy.

Will Mortgage Settlement Avoid Repeating Obama’s Foreclosure Failures?

Yesterday’s mortgage settlement aims to avoid the pitfalls of the administration’s floundering foreclosure program, but enforcement is again a question. 

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